Reconciliation Week 2024

Now more than ever

It was so fitting that during Reconciliation Week, we received a copy of The Ninti Way, a bilingual children’s book in Pitjantjatjara and English. This book was produced by the APY Lands’ Paint the Lands REaD, Black and Yellow. It tells the story of Papa the Dog from Fregon, as he takes a journey across Anangu Lands visiting tjitji tjuta (children) and their families with their Paint the Lands REaD, Black and Yellow mascots.

Now more than ever, PTTR communities are collaborating with local Elders to create bilingual books. The Ninti Way is PTTR’s 2nd bilingual book in Aboriginal Language and English. More are to come. We shall keep you posted.

Paint the Town REaD logo Paint the Town REaD ladybird Book Paint the Town REaD Ladybird body back Ladybird body front