Congratulations Paint Penrith REaD and Paint the Blue REaD

The 2016 ZEST Awards saw Paint Penrith REaD’s community champion, Graham Fitzpatrick, and Paint the Blue REaD’s 2015 REaDing Week, nominated for awards. Although they were not winners this year, Rooby Roo, the mascot from Penrith, still managed to steal the show!

Congratulations, Graham, for the amazing work you do for Paint Penrith REaD, promoting Rooby and her message in Penrith through Vintage FM, raising funds, holding business events and including Rooby in just about everything you do. And congratulations to the Blue Mountains team, led by Judith Hawkes from MOCS, for staging a 2015 Reading Week, delivering 15 events in 8 villages , coordinating 37 agencies and businesses to reach nearly 300 children.

Paint Penrith REaD's Community Champion, Graham Fitzpatrick, flanked at the ZEST Awards by Julieanne Woods and Rooby Roo.

Paint Penrith REaD’s Community Champion, Graham Fitzpatrick, flanked at the ZEST Awards by  Rooby Roo and Julieanne Woods.

Paint the Town REaD logo Paint the Town REaD ladybird Book Paint the Town REaD Ladybird body back Ladybird body front