Advance Notice Fifth National Early Literacy Conference

Making Waves: Early Literacy and Collective Impact

25–27 March 2015 in Wollongong

Put these dates in your diary now!

Come and join us — whether you’re from the city or the country, work in early childhood, libraries, child and family services, volunteer in a Service Club, or you’re a strategic planner in your government position. Or if you just want to learn about how to get started painting your community REaD.

Bright Spark logoWe’ll share great ideas, have fun, plan new strategies, as well as enjoy the Gong’s seaside hospitality. So start thinking about whom you’d like to invite, what you’d like to find out and what you’d like to share.

Your hosts are Bright Spark the Mascot with Paint the Gong REaD
and Paint Shellharbour REaD.

To register your interest email


Tracey Kirk Downey 0409 849 463

or Barbie Bates 0487 887 008

Download Advance Notice pdf here.

Paint the Town REaD logo Paint the Town REaD ladybird Book Paint the Town REaD Ladybird body back Ladybird body front